
Alternate Approach

The following section requires you to install the Malmo mod separately via either the PyPi wheel or the latest docker image. In order to install Malmo using PyPi, you should:

Install the malmo Python wheel:
pip3 install malmo
Download Malmo into a “MalmoPlatform” directory/folder in your current directory/folder (uses Git)
python3 -c 'import malmo.minecraftbootstrap;'
Launch one Minecraft instance:
python3 -c 'import malmo.minecraftbootstrap; malmo.minecraftbootstrap.launch_minecraft()'
To set your path from within python assuming that python is running where Malmo was downloaded:
import malmo.minecraftbootstrap; malmo.minecraftbootstrap.set_malmo_xsd_path()

Following this, you may install the Python binaries for Malmo and the Marlo pack as usual:

pip3 install -U marlo
# Test installation by :
python3 -c "import marlo"
python3 -c "from marlo import MalmoPython"
More information can be found under the Marlo documentation:


If you did not install marlo by using the Anaconda package, then you will have to set the MALMO_MINECRAFT_ROOT environment variable to the absolute path of your Minecraft folder. The or launchClient.bat scripts should be inside this folder. You will also have to manually set the MALMO_XSD_PATH environment variable to the location of your Minecraft Schemas folder, unless you have done so using the bootstrap function provided in the “Alternate Approach” section.